
Surgical reconstruction of the renal pelvis and ureter to correct an obstruction at the ureteropelvic junction. SYN: pelvioplasty. [pyelo- + G. plastos, formed]
- capsular flap p. a reconstructive procedure for correction of uteropelvic obstruction, whereby a flap of renal capsule is swung down from the renal hilus to enlarge an obstructed intrarenal pelvis and upper ureter; used to correct situations involving loss of renal pelvic tissue that preclude the use of renal pelvis for the reconstruction.
- Culp p. a reconstructive technique for correction of uteropelvic obstruction, whereby a spiral flap of renal pelvis is brought down and interposed into a vertical incision in the ureter. SEE ALSO: Scardino vertical flap p..
- disjoined p., dismembered p. a reconstructive procedure for correction of ureteropelvic obstruction, whereby the obstructed segment is resected and the upper ureter reanastomosed into the lower renal pelvis, usually utilizing a modified elliptical anastomotic technique.
- Foley Y-plasty p. a reconstructive procedure for correction of ureteropelvic obstruction, whereby a V-shaped flap of renal pelvis is advanced downward into a vertical incision in the upper ureter, thereby widening the ureteropelvic junction.
- Scardino vertical flap p. a reconstructive technique for correction of uteropelvic obstruction, whereby a vertical flap of renal pelvis is brought down and interposed into a vertical incision in the ureter. Cf.:Culp p..

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py·elo·plas·ty 'pī-(ə-)lə-.plas-tē n, pl -ties plastic surgery of the renal pelvis of a kidney

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an operation to relieve obstruction at the junction of the pelvis of the kidney and the ureter. See hydronephrosis, Dietl's crisis.

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py·elo·plas·ty (piґə-lo-plas″te) [pyelo- + -plasty] a plastic operation on the renal pelvis, especially the ureteropelvic junction. pyeloplastic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • pyeloplasty — noun The surgical reconstruction or revision of the renal pelvis to drain and decompress the kidney …   Wiktionary

  • pyeloplasty — n. an operation to relieve obstruction at the junction of the pelvis of the kidney and the ureter. See: hydronephrosis, Dietl s crisis …   The new mediacal dictionary

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