- prognathism
- The condition of being prognathic; abnormal forward projection of one or of both jaws beyond the established normal relationship with the cranial base; the mandibular condyles are in their normal rest relationship to the temporomandibular joints. SYN: progenia.- basilar p. the concave facial profile, or forward position of the chin, resembling mandibular p., created by the prominence of the bone of the mandible at the chin or menton.
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prog·na·thism 'präg-nə-.thiz-əm, präg-'nā- n prognathous condition* * *
n.the state of one jaw being markedly larger than the other and therefore in front of it.• prognathic adj.* * *
prog·na·thism (progґnə-thiz″əm) [pro- + gnath- + -ism] a condition marked by abnormal protrusion of one or both jaws, particularly the mandible, relative to the facial skeleton and soft tissues, so that the person has a gnathic index above 103, with the teeth in mesioclusion. prognathic, prognathous adjMandibular prognathism.
Medical dictionary. 2011.