
An antibody that under suitable conditions combines with and causes its specific and soluble antigen to precipitate from solution. SYN: precipitating antibody.

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pre·cip·i·tin pri-'sip-ət-ən n any of various antibodies which form insoluble precipitates with specific antigens and some of which are used in serological testing

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any antibody that combines with its antigen to form a complex that comes out of solution and is seen as a precipitate. The antibody-antigen reaction is specific; the precipitin reaction is therefore a useful means of confirming the identity of an unknown antigen or establishing that a serum contains antibodies to a known disease. This test may be performed in watery solution or in a semisolid medium such as agar gel.
see also agglutination.

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pre·cip·i·tin (pre-sipґĭ-tin) an antibody to antigen that specifically aggregates the macromolecular antigen in vivo or in vitro to give a visible precipitate.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • precipitin — [prē sip′ə tin, prisip′ə tin] n. [ PRECIPIT(ATE) + IN1] an antibody produced in the blood of an animal injected with a soluble antigen: when the antigen is added to blood serum from such an animal, a precipitate forms …   English World dictionary

  • Precipitin — A precipitin is an antibody which can precipitate out of a solution. The Precipitin Reaction The precipitin reaction provided the first quantitative assay for antibody but is now made redundant by current technology and diagnostic techniques such …   Wikipedia

  • precipitin — Any antibody that forms a precipitating complex (a precipitin line) with an appropriate multivalent antigen. The term is now outmoded …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • precipitin — n. any antibody that combines with its antigen to form a complex that comes out of solution and is seen as a precipitate. The antibody antigen reaction is specific; the precipitin reaction is therefore a useful means of confirming the identity of …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • precipitin reaction — n the specific reaction of a precipitin with its antigen to give an insoluble precipitate * * * the formation of an insoluble precipitate by reaction of antigen and antibody; it occurs only with multivalent antigens and is dependent on… …   Medical dictionary

  • precipitin test — n a serological test using a precipitin reaction to detect the presence of a specific antigen specif a test used in criminology for determining the human or other source of a blood stain * * * any serologic test based on a precipitin reaction… …   Medical dictionary

  • precipitin test — noun : a serologic test using a precipitin reaction to detect the presence of a specific antigen; specifically : a criminological test determining the human or other source of a blood stain show by a precipitin test that this is dog blood Erle… …   Useful english dictionary

  • precipitin reaction — noun : the specific reaction of a precipitin with its antigen to give an insoluble precipitate …   Useful english dictionary

  • precipitin — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from precipitate Date: 1900 an antibody that forms a precipitate when it unites with its antigen …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • precipitin — n. [L. praeceps, head long] A specific antibody developed in response to foreign protein in the blood …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

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