
A general descriptive term used with reference to any mass of tissue that bulges or projects outward or upward from the normal surface level, thereby being macroscopically visible as a hemispheroidal, spheroidal, or irregular moundlike structure growing from a relatively broad base or a slender stalk; polyps may be neoplasms, foci of inflammation, degenerative lesions, or malformations. SYN: polypus. [L. polypus; G. polypous, contr. fr. G. polys, many, + pous, foot]
- adenomatous p. a p. that consists of benign neoplastic tissue derived from glandular epithelium. SYN: cellular p., polypoid adenoma.
- bleeding p. SYN: vascular p..
- bronchial p. a p. growing from the bronchial mucosa.
- cardiac p. usually a rounded thrombus attached to the endocardium.
- cellular p. SYN: adenomatous p..
- choanal p. an antral-choanal p. that extends into the nasopharynx; originates in the maxillary sinus.
- cystic p. a pedunculated cyst. SYN: hydatid p..
- dental p. SYN: hyperplastic pulpitis.
- fibroepithelial p. (fi′bro-ep-the′le- al) SYN: skin tag.
- fibrous p. a p. consisting chiefly of cellular fibrous tissue, frequently with foci of fairly dense collagen or hyaline material (or both).
- fleshy p. SYN: myomatous p..
- gelatinous p. 1. a p. that consists of delicate, loose, edematous connective tissue; 2. a polypoid myxoma.
- Hopmann p. SYN: Hopmann papilloma.
- hydatid p. SYN: cystic p..
- hyperplastic p. a benign small sessile p. of the large bowel showing lengthening and cystic dilation of mucosal glands; also applied to nonneoplastic gastric mucosal polyps. SYN: metaplastic p..
- juvenile p. a smoothly rounded mucosal hamartoma of the large bowel, which may be multiple and cause rectal bleeding, especially in the first decade of life; it is not precancerous. SYN: retention p..
- laryngeal p. a p. projecting from the surface of one of the vocal cords.
- lipomatous p. 1. a p. consisting chiefly of adipose tissue; 2. lipoma that bulges from the surface or is attached by means of a stalk.
- lymphoid p. benign p. consisting of aggregates of lymphocytes in the rectum.
- mucous p. 1. an adenomatous p. in which conspicuous amounts of mucin are formed; 2. a polypoid cyst that contains mucus.
- myomatous p. a p. that consists of benign neoplastic tissue derived from nonstriated (smooth) muscle. SYN: fleshy p..
- nasal p. an inflammatory or allergic p., arising from the ostium or cavity of one of the paranasal sinuses, which projects into the nasal cavity.
- osseous p. a p. consisting in part of bony tissue.
- pedunculated p. any form of p. that is attached to the base tissue by means of a slender stalk.
- placental p. a p. developed from a piece of retained placenta.
- pulp p. SYN: hyperplastic pulpitis.
- regenerative p. a hyperplastic p. of the gastric mucosa.
- retention p. SYN: juvenile p..
- sessile p. any form of p. that has a relatively broad base.
- tooth p. SYN: hyperplastic pulpitis.
- vascular p. a bulging or protruding angioma of the nasal mucous membrane. SYN: bleeding p..

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pol·yp 'päl-əp n a projecting mass of swollen and hypertrophied or tumorous membrane (as in the nasal cavity or the intestine) called also polypus

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a growth, usually benign, protruding from a mucous membrane. Polyps are commonly found in the nose and sinuses, giving rise to obstruction, chronic infection, and discharge. They are often present in patients with allergic rhinitis, in whom they may develop in response to long-term antigenic stimulation. Other sites of occurrence include the ear, the stomach, and the colon, where they may eventually become malignant. Juvenile polyps occur in the intestine (usually colon or rectum) of infants or young people; sometimes they are multiple (juvenile polyposis). In the latter form there is a risk of malignant change (25% of cases) but most juvenile polyps are benign (see also polyposis, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome). Polyps are usually removed surgically (see polypectomy).

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pol·yp (polґip) [Gr. polypous a morbid excrescence] an abnormal protruding growth from a mucous membrane; originally applied only to such growths on the mucous membrane of the nose, the term is now applied to ones on any mucous membrane.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • polyp — (n.) c.1400, nasal tumor, from L. polypus cuttlefish, also nasal tumor, from Gk. (Doric, Aeolic) polypos octopus, cuttlefish, from polys many (see PLENARY (Cf. plenary)) + pous foot. Sense extended 1742 to hydras and sea anemones (earlier polypus …   Etymology dictionary

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