- pharmacochemistry
- SYN: pharmaceutical chemistry.
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phar·ma·co·chem·is·try (fahr″mə-ko-kemґis-tre) pharmaceutical chemistry.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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phar·ma·co·chem·is·try (fahr″mə-ko-kemґis-tre) pharmaceutical chemistry.Medical dictionary. 2011.
chemistry — 1. The science concerned with the atomic composition of substances, the elements, and their interreactions, as well as the formation, decomposition, and properties of molecules. 2. The chemical properties of a substance. 3. Chemical processes. [G … Medical dictionary
chemistry — Synonyms and related words: alchemy, applied chemistry, astrochemistry, biochemistry, biogeochemistry, chemicobiology, chemicoengineering, chemurgy, colloid chemistry, crystallochemistry, cytochemistry, electrochemistry, engineering chemistry,… … Moby Thesaurus