- papilloretinitis
- SYN: neuroretinitis.
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pap·il·lo·ret·i·ni·tis (pap″ĭ-lo-ret″ĭ-niґtis) inflammation of the optic papilla extending to the retina.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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pap·il·lo·ret·i·ni·tis (pap″ĭ-lo-ret″ĭ-niґtis) inflammation of the optic papilla extending to the retina.Medical dictionary. 2011.
neuroretinitis — An inflammation affecting the optic nerve head and the posterior pole of the retina, with cells in the nearby vitreous, usually producing a macular star. SYN: papilloretinitis. diffuse … Medical dictionary
papilorretinitis — Eng. Papilloretinitis Inflamación conjunta de la papila del nervio óptico y retina. Retinopapilitis … Diccionario de oftalmología
papill- — combining form or papillo Etymology: French papill , from Latin papilla nipple more at pap 1. : papilla papilliferous papilliform … Useful english dictionary