- oophorotomy
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ooph·o·rot·o·my (o-of″ə-rotґə-me) incision of an ovary.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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ooph·o·rot·o·my (o-of″ə-rotґə-me) incision of an ovary.Medical dictionary. 2011.
ICD-9-CM Volume 3 — is a system of procedural codes. It is a subset of ICD 9 CM (volumes 1 and 2 are used for diagnostic codes.) The United States National Center for Health Statistics drafted ICD 10 PCS in 2000 as a potential replacement for ICD 9 CM Volume 3, but… … Wikipedia
ovariotomy — An incision into an ovary, e.g., a biopsy or a wedge excision. SYN: oophorotomy. [ovario + G. tome, incision] * * * ovar·i·ot·o·my ō .var ē ät ə mē, .ver n, pl mies 1) … Medical dictionary
oophor- — combining form or oophoro Etymology: New Latin oophoron : ovary : ovarian oophorectomy oophorotomy … Useful english dictionary