genotoxin — ge·no·tox·in (jē nə tŏkʹsĭn) n. A chemical or other agent that damages cellular DNA, resulting in mutations or cancer. [New Latin geno , gene (from Greek genos, race, offspring. See genə + toxin.] ge no·toxʹic adj. ge no·tox·icʹi·ty ( … Universalium
genotoxin — noun Any substance capable of causing damage to cellular DNA and thus producing mutations or cancer. See Also: genotoxic … Wiktionary
HUS1 — checkpoint homolog (S. pombe), also known as HUS1, is a human gene. PBB Summary section title = summary text = The protein encoded by this gene is a component of an evolutionarily conserved, genotoxin activated checkpoint complex that is involved … Wikipedia
Carcinogen — The term carcinogen refers to any substance, radionuclide or radiation that is an agent directly involved in the promotion of cancer or in the fatation of its propagation. This may be due to ability to damage the genome or to the disruption of… … Wikipedia
genotoxic — See genotoxin. * * * … Universalium
genotoxic — adjective Capable of damaging genetic material such as DNA, and thus causing mutations or possibly cancer. See Also: genotoxin … Wiktionary
micronucleated — adjective Describing a cell, that has been damaged by a genotoxin, in which a micronucleus forms during mitosis … Wiktionary
genotoxic stress — noun Damage to the genome of an organism as the result of a genotoxin … Wiktionary
genotoxicity — noun a) The condition of being genotoxic. b) The relative toxicity of a genotoxin … Wiktionary
геномная библиотека банк генов — геномная библиотека, банк генов * геномная бібліятэка, банк генаў * genomic library or gene bank набор клонированных фрагментов ДНК, представляющих индивидуальный (групповой, видовой) геном. У млекопитающих (в т. ч. человека) геномы крупные,… … Генетика. Энциклопедический словарь