
Tomographic examination of the kidney.

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neph·ro·to·mog·ra·phy -tō-'mäg-rə-fē n, pl -phies tomographic visualization of the kidney usu. combined with intravenous nephrography
neph·ro·to·mo·graph·ic -.tō-mə-'graf-ik adj

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neph·ro·to·mog·ra·phy (nef″ro-to-mogґrə-fe) radiologic visualization of the kidney by tomography after intravenous introduction of contrast medium as a bolus or by infusion. nephrotomographic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Nephrotomogram — A series of special x rays of the kidneys. The x rays are taken from different angles. They show the kidneys clearly, without the shadows of the organs around them. * * * A tomographic examination of the kidneys following the intravenous… …   Medical dictionary

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