- mycosis
- m. framboesioides SYN: yaws.- m. fungoides a chronic progressive lymphoma arising in the skin that initially simulates eczema or other inflammatory dermatoses; the appearance of plaques is associated with acanthosis and bandlike infiltration of the upper dermis by a pleomorphic infiltrate including helper T lymphocytes with large, convoluted nuclei that also collect in clear spaces in the lower epidermis (Pautrier microabscesses); in advanced cases, ulcerated tumors and infiltration of lymph node s may occur.- m. intestinalis gastroenteric form of anthrax, the symptoms of which are those of gastroenteritis followed by toxemia and general depression.
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n.any disease caused by a fungus, including actinomycosis, aspergillosis, cryptococcosis, rhinosporidiosis, ringworm, and sporotrichosis.* * *
my·co·sis (mi-koґsis) [myc- + -osis] 1. any disease caused by a fungus. 2. any of various other diseases that were originally thought to be caused by fungi.
Medical dictionary. 2011.