
A cone or cylinder of cotton wool or other combustible material, placed on the skin and ignited in order to produce counterirritation. SEE ALSO: moxibustion. [Jap. moe kusa, burning herb]

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moxa 'mäk-sə n
1) a soft woolly mass prepared from the ground young leaves of a Eurasian artemisia (esp. Artemisia vulgaris) that is used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine typically in the form of sticks or cones which are ignited and placed on or close to the skin or used to heat acupuncture needles
2) any of various substances applied and ignited like moxa as a counterirritant

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(mokґsə) [Japanese] the dried leaves of Artemisia vulgaris, burned on or near acupoints in moxibustion.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • moxa — MÓXA s.f. (med.) Procedeu terapeutic, variantă a acupuncturii, care se bazează pe utilizarea în locul acelor a unor beţişoare din anumite plante, care, după înfigerea în piele, sunt arse lent; moxibustie; (p. ext.) beţişoarele şi substanţa din… …   Dicționar Român

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