
1. A small nucleus in a large cell, or the smaller nuclei in cells that have two or more such structures. 2. The smaller of the two nuclei in ciliates dividing mitotically and bearing specific inheritable material. SYN: gametic nucleus, germ nucleus, gonad nucleus, karyogonad, reproductive nucleus. SEE ALSO: macronucleus (2).

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mi·cro·nu·cle·us .mī-krō-'n(y)ü-klē-əs n a minute nucleus specif one regarded as primarily concerned with reproductive and genetic functions in most ciliated protozoans compare MACRONUCLEUS

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mi·cro·nu·cle·us (mi″kro-nooґkle-əs) [micro- + nucleus] in ciliate protozoa, the transcriptively inert, diploid nucleus, much smaller than the macronucleus, that is involved in reproduction.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • micronucleus — (mi kro nu kle us) The smaller of the two nuclei in ciliate protozoa. Micronuclei are diploid and involved only in genetic recombination and the regeneration of macronuclei …   Dictionary of microbiology

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