- micrencephalia
- SYN: micrencephaly.
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mi·cren·ce·pha·lia (mi″krən-sə-faґle-ə) micrencephaly.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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mi·cren·ce·pha·lia (mi″krən-sə-faґle-ə) micrencephaly.Medical dictionary. 2011.
micrencephaly — Abnormal smallness of the brain. SYN: micrencephalia, microencephaly. [micro + G. enkephalos, brain] * * * mi·cren·ceph·a·ly .mī .kren sef ə lē n, pl lies the condition of having an abnormally small brain * * * mi·cren·ceph·a·ly (mi″kr … Medical dictionary
micrencephaly — lē noun ( es) Etymology: New Latin micrencephalia, from micr + encephalia encephaly : the condition of having an abnormally small brain * * * micrencephaly Path. (maɪkrɛnˈsɛfəlɪ) [f. Gr. µῑκρό ς small + ἐγκέϕαλος brain.] General smallness of the… … Useful english dictionary