- metocurine iodide
- A nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent used to provide relaxation during surgical operations. SYN: dimethyl d-tubocurarine, dimethyl tubocurarine iodide.
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met·o·cur·ine iodide -'kyu̇r-.ēn- n a crystalline iodine-containing powder C40H48I2N2O6 that is derived from the dextrorotatory form of tubocurarine and is a potent skeletal muscle relaxant called also metocurine* * *
met·o·cu·rine io·dide (met″o-kuґrēn) a nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent, used as an anesthesia adjunct to induce skeletal muscle relaxation and to reduce the intensity of muscle contractions in convulsive therapy; administered intravenously.
Medical dictionary. 2011.