- Metastrongylus
- A genus of nematode lungworms (family Metastrongylidae), the only genus in its subfamily (Metastrongylinae). The four known species are found only in pigs; transmission is by earthworm intermediate hosts. [meta- + G. strongylos, round]
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Meta·stron·gy·lus -'strän-jə-ləs n a genus that is the type of the family Metastrongylidae and includes slender threadlike nematode worms parasitizing as adults the lungs and sometimes other organs of mammals and as larvae various earthworms* * *
Meta·stron·gy·lus (met″ə-stronґjə-ləs) a genus of nematodes of the family Metastrongylidae, usually found as lungworms in pigs and sometimes causing verminous bronchitis. M. elongaґtus is a species that may also infect humans and ruminants but has little pathogenic effect.
Medical dictionary. 2011.