
The European mandrake, M. officinalis, or Atropa m. (family Solanaceae), the mandrake of the Bible; its properties are similar to those of stramonium, hyoscyamus, and belladonna. [G. mandragoras]

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man·drag·o·ra man-'drag-ə-rə n
2) cap a small genus of Eurasian herbs of the family Solanaceae with basal leaves, bell-shaped flowers, and fleshy berries and that includes the mandrake

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Man·drag·o·ra (man-dragґo-rə) [L.] a genus of plants of the family Solanaceae. M. officinaґrum L. is the true European or oriental mandrake, which has the general properties of belladonna and was formerly used as a narcotic and sedative but is now used only in homeopathy. It contains the alkaloids atropine, hyoscyamine, and scopolamine.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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