
A unit of measurement of the magnetic moment of a particle ( e.g., atom or subatomic particle).
- Bohr m. (μB) a constant in the equation relating the difference in energies between parallel and antiparallel spin alignments of electrons in a magnetic field; the net magnetic moment of one unpaired electron; used in electron spin resonance spectrometry for detection and estimation of free radicals; the smallest unit of magnetic moment (approximately 9.274 × 10−24 J T−1). SYN: electron m..
- electron m. SYN: Bohr m..
- nuclear m. (μN) a constant in the equation relating the difference in energies between parallel and antiparallel spin alignments of atomic nuclei in a magnetic field; used in nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry; 5.05 × 10−27 J T−1.

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mag·ne·ton 'mag-nə-.tän n a unit of measurement of the magnetic moment of a particle (as an atom or atomic nucleus) that is equal to 0.927×10-20 ergs per oersted for atoms and 0.505×10-23 ergs per oersted for atomic nuclei

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • magneton — MAGNETÓN, magnetoni, s.m. (fiz.) Unitate de măsură pentru magnetizaţia electronului şi a nucleelor atomice. – Din fr. magnéton. Trimis de claudia, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  magnetón s. m., pl. magnetóni Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa:… …   Dicționar Român

  • Magneton — may refer to: Bohr magneton, a physical constant of magnetic moment named after Niels Bohr Nuclear magneton, a physical constant of magnetic moment Parson magneton, a hypothetical object in atomic physics suggested by Alfred Lauck Parson in 1915… …   Wikipedia

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  • magneton — mȁgnetōn m DEFINICIJA fiz. jedinica za mjerenje magnetnog dipolnog momenta u atomskoj fizici (simbol μ) SINTAGMA Bohrov magneton μB, ima iznos klasičnog magnetnog momenta elektrona; nuklearni magneton μP, magnetni moment protona ETIMOLOGIJA… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • magneton — mag net*on, n. A unit of magnetic moment for a subatomic particle, atom, or molecule. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • magnéton — s. m. [Física nuclear] Unidade de medida do momento magnético de partículas atômicas. • [Brasil] Plural: magnétones ou magnétons.   ‣ Etimologia: magnete + ão   ♦ Grafia em Portugal: magnetão …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • magneton — [mag′nə tän΄] n. [Fr: see MAGNET & ON] a unit of the magnitude of the magnetic moment of atoms or other particles …   English World dictionary

  • Magneton — ◆ Ma|gne|ton 〈n.; s, ; Phys.〉 Maßeinheit für magnet. Momente im atomaren Bereich ◆ Die Buchstabenfolge ma|gn... kann in Fremdwörtern auch mag|n... getrennt werden. * * * Mạ|g|ne|ton [↑ magnet u. ↑ on (3)], das; s, (auch s); Einheitenzeichen: µ:… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • magneton — /mag ni ton /, n. Physics. a unit of magnetic moment, used in measuring the magnetic moment of atomic and subatomic particles. Cf. Bohr magneton, nuclear magneton. [1910 15; MAGNET + ON1] * * * ▪ physics       unit of magnetic moment (the product …   Universalium

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