
1. [NA] The pale arched area at the proximal portion of the nail plate. 2. A small semilunar structure. [L. dim. of luna, moon]
- azure l. of nails bluish nonblanching discoloration of the lunulae of all the fingernails in hepatolenticular degeneration.
- l. of semilunar cusps of aortic/pulmonary valves the free border of a cusp of the semilunar valves on each side of the nodules of the semilunar cusps. SYN: l. of semilunar valve, lunulae valvularum semilunarium valvae aortae/trunci pulmonalis.
- l. of semilunar valve SYN: l. of semilunar cusps of aortic/pulmonary valves.
- l. unguis SYN: lunule of nail.
- lunulae valvularum semilunarium valvae aortae/trunci pulmonalis SYN: l. of semilunar cusps of aortic/pulmonary valves.

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lu·nu·la 'lü-nyə-lə n, pl -lae -(.)lēalso -.lī a crescent-shaped body part: as
a) the whitish mark at the base of a fingernail called also half-moon
b) the crescentic unattached border of a semilunar valve

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the whitish crescent-shaped area at the base of a nail.

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lu·nu·la (looґnu-lə) gen. and pl. luґnulae [L., dim. of luna moon] a small crescent or moon-shaped area.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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