- lumirhodopsin
- An intermediate between rhodopsin and all-trans-retinal plus opsin during bleaching of rhodopsin by light; formed from bathorhodopsin and converted to metarhodopsin I with a half-life of about 20 μs. [L. lumen, light, + G. rhodon, rose, + opsis, vision]
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lu·mi·rho·dop·sin .lü-mi-rō-'däp-sən n an intermediate compound that is formed in the bleaching of rhodopsin by light and that rapidly converts to metarhodopsin* * *
lu·mi·rho·dop·sin (loo″mĭ-ro-dopґsin) a transient intermediate produced upon irradiation of rhodopsin in the visual cycle; see illustration at visual cycle, under cycle.
Medical dictionary. 2011.