- keratoelastoidosis
- Hyperkeratosis and degeneration of dermal elastic tissue. SEE ALSO: acrokeratoelastoidosis. [kerato- + Mod. L. elasticus, elastic, fr. G. elastikos, propulsive, fr. elauno, to drive + eidos, resemblance, + suffix -osis, condition]- k. marginalis (mar-gin-al′is) hyperkeratosis and solar elastosis presenting as linear papules along the junction of the palms and dorsal surface of the hands in the elderly. [L. marginal]
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ker·a·to·elas·toi·do·sis (ker″ə-to-e-las″toi-doґsis) [kerato- + elastoidosis] elastosis with small, firm papules or plaques; see also acrokeratoelastoidosis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.