
An alcohol-filled thermometer of specified design that is heated above ambient temperature and then allowed to cool; the time taken to cool between specified temperatures is a measure of the heat content of the environment that takes into account air movement as well as temperature. The bulb may be silvered to minimize radiation effects or blackened to maximize them.

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kata·ther·mom·e·ter .kat-ə-thə(r)-'mäm-ət-ər n a large-bulbed alcohol thermometer used to measure the cooling effect of particular atmospheric conditions (as on the human body) by increasing its temperature to well above the ambient temperature and then determining the time required for the indicated temperature to fall from one predetermined value to another

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a thermometer used to measure the cooling power of the air surrounding it, having its bulb covered with water-moistened material. The instrument is brought to a steady temperature of 100°F and then exposed to the air. The time taken for the temperature recorded by the thermometer to fall to 95°F gives an index of the air's cooling power.

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kata·ther·mom·e·ter (kat″ə-thər-momґə-tər) a pair of alcoholic thermometers, one with a dry bulb and one with a wet bulb. They are heated to 110°F and exposed to the air, and the time is noted that it takes each bulb to fall from 100° to 90°F. From this the temperature as it affects the body can be deduced.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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