- iodophilia
- An affinity for iodine, as manifested by some leukocytes in certain conditions. When treated with a solution of iodine and potassium iodide, normal polymorphonuclear leukocytes stain a fairly bright yellow; in certain pathologic conditions, the polymorphonuclear leukocytes frequently stain diffusely brown or yellow-brown; the reaction may be intracellular (as described) or extracellular, affecting the particles in the immediate vicinity of the leukocytes. [iodine + G. phileo, to love]
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io·do·phil·ia (i-o″do-filґe-ə) [iodo- + -philia] the reaction shown by leukocytes in certain conditions when treated with iodine or iodides. Normal leukocytes are colored bright yellow, but in certain pathologic conditions, such as toxemia and severe anemia, the polymorphonuclear leukocytes show diffuse brownish coloration. When the staining affects the leukocytes themselves, it is termed intracellular; when only the particles around the leukocytes are affected, it is extracellular.
Medical dictionary. 2011.