Intraosseous infusion — is the process of injection directly into the marrow of the bone. The needle is injected through the bone s hard cortex and into the soft marrow interior. Often the antero medial aspect of the tibia is used as it lies just under the skin and can… … Wikipedia
intraosseous needle — a wide bore needle for insertion directly into the bone marrow of (usually) the tibia in children, used only in emergencies when no other means of intravenous access can be gained. An intraosseous needle enables fluids and drugs to be given… … Medical dictionary
intraosseous needle — a wide bore needle for insertion directly into the bone marrow of (usually) the tibia in children, used only in emergencies when no other means of intravenous access can be gained. An intraosseous needle enables fluids and drugs to be given… … The new mediacal dictionary
intraosseous use — vartoti į kaulų čiulpus statusas Aprobuotas sritis vaistų vartojimo būdai apibrėžtis Nurodymas vaistinį preparatą švirkšti ar kitokiu būdu vartoti į kaulų čiulpus. atitikmenys: angl. intraosseous use vok. intraossäre Anwendung pranc. voie intra… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
intraosseous low-grade osteosarcoma — a well differentiated osteosarcoma of low malignancy arising within a bone, composed of spindle cells arranged in interlacing bundles separated by collagen fibers, with invasion of fatty marrow or extraosseous soft tissue … Medical dictionary
intraosseous therapy — the infusion of blood or other solutions into the circulation by injection through the bone marrow … Medical dictionary
intraosseous venography — radiography of the veins after injection of the contrast medium into bone marrow at an appropriate site, such as the iliac crest, ischium, pubic bones, greater trochanter, spinous processes of the vertebrae, or sternum … Medical dictionary
primary intraosseous carcinoma — a rare epithelial odontogenic malignancy occurring in the mandible and maxilla, particularly of male adults, and believed to arise from odontogenic epithelial remnants … Medical dictionary
internal fixation — intraosseous fixation the open reduction and stabilization of fractured bony parts by direct fixation to one another with surgical wires, screws, pins, and plates. Internal fixation of hip fracture using side plate and bone graft after… … Medical dictionary
Route of administration — A route of administration in pharmacology and toxicology is the path by which a drug, fluid, poison, or other substance is taken into the body.[1] Contents 1 Classification 1.1 Application location 1.1.1 … Wikipedia