- infundibulum
- 1. [TA] A funnel or funnel-shaped structure or passage. 2. SYN: i. of uterine tube. 3. The expanding portion of a calyx as it opens into the renal pelvis. 4. [TA] SYN: conus arteriosus. 5. Termination of a bronchiole in the alveolus. 6. Termination of the cochlear canal beneath the cupola. 7. [TA] The funnel-shaped, unpaired prominence of the base of the hypothalamus behind the optic chiasm, enclosing the infundibular recess of the third ventricle and continuous below with the stalk of the hypophysis. [L. a funnel]- ethmoidal i. [TA] a passage from the middle meatus of the nose communicating with the anterior ethmoidal cells and frontal sinus. SYN: i. ethmoidale [TA], ethmoid i..- i. ethmoidale [TA] SYN: ethmoidal i..- i. of gallbladder [TA] tapering portion of gallbladder, opposite the fundus, as the body of the gallbladder narrows to the neck (from which the cystic duct proceeds). SYN: i. vesicae biliaris [TA], i. vesicae felleae.- i. hypophysis [TA]- i. of lungs in the embryo, one of the expanded extremities of the subdivisions of the lung buds; in later development minute pouches (the air sacs) appear in its wall.- i. of pituitary gland [TA] the apical portion of the tuber cinereum extending into the stalk of the hypophysis. SYN: i. hypothalami [TA], hypothalamic i..- i. of right ventricle [TA]- i. of uterine tube [TA] the funnel-like expansion of the abdominal extremity of the uterine (fallopian) tube. SYN: i. tubae uterinae [TA], i. (2).- i. vesicae biliaris [TA] SYN: i. of gallbladder.- i. vesicae felleae i. of gallbladder.
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in·fun·dib·u·lum .in-(.)fən-'dib-yə-ləm n, pl -la -lə any of various conical or dilated organs or parts:a) the hollow conical process of gray matter that is borne on the tuber cinereum and constitutes the stalk of the neurohypophysis by which the pituitary gland is continuous with the brain called also neural stalkb) any of the small spaces having walls beset with air sacs in which the bronchial tubes terminate in the lungsc) CONUS ARTERIOSUSd) the passage by which the anterior ethmoidal air cells and the frontal sinuses communicate with the nosee) the abdominal opening of a fallopian tube* * *
n.any funnel-shaped channel or passage, particularly the hollow conical stalk that extends downwards from the hypothalamus and is continuous with the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland.* * *
in·fun·dib·u·lum (in″fən-dibґu-ləm) pl. infundiґbula [L. “funnelâ€] 1. a general anatomical term for a funnel-shaped structure; called also choana. 2. i. neurohypophyseos. 3. a downgrowth from the neuroectoderm of the embryonic diencephalon that gives rise to the neurohypophysis. 4. conus arteriosus. 5. the deep, often tubular or funnel-shaped part of the buccal cavity seen in certain protozoa, especially peritrichous ciliates.
Medical dictionary. 2011.