- hysterography
- 1. Radiographic examination of the uterine cavity filled with a contrast medium. 2. Graphic procedure used to record uterine contractions. [hystero- + G. grapho, to write]
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hys·ter·og·ra·phy .his-tə-'räg-rə-fē n, pl -phies examination of the uterus by radiography after the injection of an opaque mediumhys·ter·o·graph·ic .his-tə-rə-'graf-ik adj* * *
hys·ter·og·ra·phy (his″tər-ogґrə-fe) [hystero- + -graphy] 1. graphic recording of the strength of uterine contractions in labor. 2. radiography of the uterus after instillation of a contrast medium; see also hysterosalpingography. Called also metrography and uterography.
Medical dictionary. 2011.