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hysteric — [hi ster′ik] adj. [L hystericus < Gr hysterikos, suffering in the womb, hysterical < hystera, uterus: from the ancient notion that women were hysterical more often than men] HYSTERICAL n. 1. [usually pl., occas. with sing. v.] a hysterical… … English World dictionary
Hysteric — Hys*ter ic, Hysterical Hys*ter ic*al, a. [L. hystericus, Gr. ?, fr. yste ra the womb; perh. akin to ? latter, later, and E. utter, out.] 1. Of or pertaining to hysteria. [1913 Webster] With no hysteric weakness or feverish excitement, they… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hysterical — Hysteric Hys*ter ic, Hysterical Hys*ter ic*al, a. [L. hystericus, Gr. ?, fr. yste ra the womb; perh. akin to ? latter, later, and E. utter, out.] 1. Of or pertaining to hysteria. [1913 Webster] With no hysteric weakness or feverish excitement,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hysteric — (adj.) 1650s, from L. hystericus, from Gk. hysterikos “belonging to the womb” (see HYSTERICAL (Cf. hysterical)). As a noun from 1751 … Etymology dictionary
hysteric — ► NOUN 1) (hysterics) wildly emotional behaviour. 2) (hysterics) informal uncontrollable laughter. 3) a person suffering from hysteria. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ hysterical. ORIGIN Greek husterikos of the … English terms dictionary
hysterical — [hi ster′i kəl] adj. [ HYSTERIC + AL] 1. of or characteristic of hysteria 2. a) like or suggestive of hysteria; emotionally uncontrolled and wild b) extremely comical 3. having or subject to hysteria hysterically … English World dictionary
hysterical — /hɪsˈtɛrɪkəl/ (say his terikuhl) adjective 1. resembling or suggesting hysteria; emotionally disordered: *She … tried to laugh, an attempt hurriedly abandoned because she could feel that it was a nervous laughter which might turn to weeping –… …
hysterical — hysterically, adv. /hi ster i keuhl/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or characterized by hysteria. 2. uncontrollably emotional. 3. irrational from fear, emotion, or an emotional shock. 4. causing hysteria. 5. suffering from or subject to hysteria. 6 … Universalium
hysterical — hys•ter•i•cal [[t]hɪˈstɛr ɪ kəl[/t]] adj. 1) of, characterized by, or suffering from hysteria 2) uncontrollably emotional or agitated 3) causing unrestrained laughter; very funny: a hysterical movie[/ex] • Etymology: 1605–15; < L hysteric(us)… … From formal English to slang
hysteric — 1. adjective hysterical 2. noun A hysterical person. See Also: hysterical, hysteria … Wiktionary