
A greatly increased quantity of fibrinogen in the circulating blood; under certain conditions, unusually large amounts of fibrin may be formed, thereby resulting in a greater degree of coagulability of the blood. SYN: hyperinosis. [hyper- + G. is (in-), fiber, + haima, blood]

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hy·per·ino·se·mia or chiefly Brit hy·per·ino·sae·mia .hī-pə-.rin-ō-'sē-mē-ə n HYPERINOSIS

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • hyperinosis — SYN: hyperinosemia. * * * hy·per·ino·sis .hī pə rin ō səs n, pl ino·ses .sēz excessive formation of fibrin …   Medical dictionary

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