
An aqueous solvate (in older terminology, a hydroxide); a compound crystallizing with one or more molecules of water; e.g., CuSO4 5H2O.

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hy·drate 'hī-.drāt n a compound (as Glauber's salt) formed by the union of water with some other substance
hydrate vb, hy·drat·ed; hy·drat·ing vt to cause to take up or combine with water or the elements of water vi to become a hydrate

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hy·drate (hiґdrāt) [L. hydras] 1. any compound of a radical with H2O. 2. any salt or other compound that contains water of crystallization.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • hydrate — [ idrat ] n. m. • 1802; du gr. hudôr « eau » ♦ Chim. 1 ♦ Composé renfermant une ou plusieurs molécules d eau. Le plâtre de Paris (Ca2SO4H2O) est un hydrate. 2 ♦ Vieilli Hydrate de carbone : glucide. Régime sans hydrates de carbone. ● hydrate nom… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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