
Establishment of a communication between the hepatic ducts and the duodenum. SYN: hepatoduodenostomy. [hepatico- + duodenostomy]

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he·pat·i·co·du·o·de·nos·to·my (hə-pat″ĭ-ko-doo″o-də-nosґtə-me) a type of hepaticoenterostomy in which the hepatic duct empties into the duodenum.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • hepatoduodenostomy — SYN: hepaticoduodenostomy. * * * hep·a·to·du·o·de·nos·to·my (hep″ə to doo″o də nosґtə me) [hepato + duodenostomy] the surgical creation of a communication between the liver and the duodenum …   Medical dictionary

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