- hemihypoesthesia
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hemi·hy·po·es·the·sia (hem″e-hi″po-es-theґzhə) hemihypesthesia.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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hemi·hy·po·es·the·sia (hem″e-hi″po-es-theґzhə) hemihypesthesia.Medical dictionary. 2011.
hemihypesthesia — Diminished sensibility in one side of the body. SYN: hemihypoesthesia. [hemi + G. hypo, under, + aestheses, sensation] * * * hemi·hy·pes·the·sia (hem″e hi″pes theґzhə) hypoesthesia on one side of the body; called also… … Medical dictionary
Anterior choroidal artery — Artery: Anterior choroidal artery Latin arteria choroidea anterior Gray s subject #147 574 … Wikipedia