
SYN: cord. [L. dim. of funis, cord]
- anterior f. [TA] anterior white column of spinal cord, a column or bundle of white matter on either side of the anterior median fissure, between that and the anterolateral sulcus. SYN: f. anterior [TA], ventral f..
- f. anterior [TA] SYN: anterior f..
- cuneate f. SYN: cuneate fasciculus.
- dorsal f. posterior f..
- f. dorsalis SYN: posterior f..
- f. gracilis SYN: gracile fasciculus.
- lateral f. [TA] the lateral white column of the spinal cord between the lines of exit and entrance of the anterior and posterior nerve roots. SYN: f. lateralis [TA], anterolateral column of spinal cord, lateral f. of spinal cord.
- f. lateralis [TA] SYN: lateral f..
- lateral f. of spinal cord SYN: lateral f..
- funiculi medullae spinalis [TA] the three major white columns of the spinal cord.
- posterior f. posterior white column of the spinal cord, the large wedge-shaped fiber bundle lying between the posterior gray column and the posterior median septum, and composed largely of dorsal root fibers. SYN: f. posterior [TA], dorsal f., f. dorsalis.
- f. posterior [TA] SYN: posterior f..
- f. separans [TA] an oblique ridge in the floor of the fourth ventricle of the brain, separating the area postrema from the vagal trigone.
- f. solitarius SYN: solitary tract.
- f. spermaticus [TA] SYN: spermatic cord.
- f. teres SYN: medial eminence.
- f. umbilicalis SYN: umbilical cord.
- ventral f. anterior f..

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fu·nic·u·lus fyu̇-'nik-yə-les, fə- n, pl -li -.lī, -.lē any of various bodily structures more or less like a cord in form: as
a) one of the longitudinal subdivisions of white matter in each lateral half of the spinal cord see ANTERIOR FUNICULUS, LATERAL FUNICULUS, POSTERIOR FUNICULUS compare COLUMN (a)

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1. any of the three main columns of white matter found in each lateral half of the spinal cord.
2. a bundle of nerve fibres enclosed in a sheath; a fasciculus.
3. formerly) the spermatic cord or umbilical cord.

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fu·nic·u·lus (fu-nikґu-ləs) pl. funicґuli [L.][TA] cord: anatomic terminology for a cordlike structure or part. funicular adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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