
An obsolete apparatus for rendering visible to the dark-adapted eye the patterns of x-rays that have passed through a body under examination, by interposing a glass plate coated with fluorescent materials, such as calcium tungstate; currently, image intensification and video display are used; to examine a patient using a f., obsolete or modern. [fluorescence + G. skopeo, to examine]

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flu·o·ro·scope 'flu̇r-ə-.skōp n an instrument used chiefly in industry and in medical diagnosis for observing the internal structure of opaque objects (as the living body) by means of the shadow cast by the object examined upon a fluorescent screen when placed between the screen and a source of X-rays
flu·o·ro·scop·ic .flu̇r-ə-'skäp-ik adj
flu·o·ro·scop·i·cal·ly -i-k(ə-)lē adv
flu·o·ros·co·pist .flu̇(-ə)r-'äs-kə-pəst n
flu·o·ros·co·py -pē n, pl -pies
fluoroscope vt, -scoped; -scop·ing to examine by fluoroscopy

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historically, an instrument by which X-rays were projected through a patient onto a fluorescent screen enabling the resultant image to be viewed directly by the radiologist. However, this resulted in high radiation doses for the radiologist. For diagnostic purposes the screen has been replaced by the image intensifier and TV monitor.

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flu·o·ro·scope (floorґo-skōp) a device used for examining deep structures by means of x-rays; it consists of a screen (fluorescent screen) covered with crystals of calcium tungstate on which are projected the shadows of x-rays passing through the body placed between the screen and the source of irradiation.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • fluoroscope — I. noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1896 an instrument used for observing the internal structure of an opaque object (as the living body) by means of X rays • fluoroscopic adjective • fluoroscopically adverb •… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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