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hematin — Heme in which the iron is Fe(III) (Fe3+); the prosthetic group of methemoglobin. SYN: ferriheme, hematosin, hydroxyhemin, oxyheme, oxyhemochromogen, phenodin. h … Medical dictionary
heme — 1. The porphyrin chelate of iron in which the iron is Fe(II) (or Fe2+); the oxygen carrying, color furnishing, prosthetic group of hemoglobin. 2. Iron complexed with nonporphyrins but related tetrapyrrole structures ( e.g., biliverdin h.). 3 … Medical dictionary
hemin — 1. Chloride of heme in which Fe2+ has become Fe3+. H. crystals are called Teichmann crystals, under crystal. 2. Any coordination complex of chloro(porphyrinato)iron(III). SYN: chlorohemin, factor X for Haemophilus, ferriheme chloride,… … Medical dictionary
verdoperoxidase — A peroxidase, occurring in leukocytes, that contains a greenish ferriheme; responsible for the peroxidase activity of pus. * * * ver·do·per·ox·i·dase .vər dō pə räk sə .dās, .dāz n a green colored peroxidase obtained from white blood cells that… … Medical dictionary