
A mature red blood cell. SYN: red blood cell, red corpuscle. [erythro- + G. kytos, cell]

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eryth·ro·cyte i-'rith-rə-.sīt n RED BLOOD CELL
eryth·ro·cyt·ic -.rith-rə-'sit-ik adj

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a blood cell containing the red pigment haemoglobin, the principal function of which is the transport of oxygen. A mature erythrocyte has no nucleus and its shape is that of a biconcave disc, approximately 7 µm in diameter. There are normally about 5 x 1012 erythrocytes per litre of blood. See also erythropoiesis.

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eryth·ro·cyte (ə-rithґro-sīt) [erythro- + -cyte] one of the elements found in peripheral blood; the normal mature form is a non-nucleated, yellowish, biconcave disk, adapted by virtue of its configuration and its hemoglobin content to the transport of oxygen. For immature forms, see erythrocytic series, under series. Called also red blood cell or corpuscle and red cell or corpuscle.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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