- epicondyle
- A projection from a long bone near the articular extremity above or upon the condyle. SYN: epicondylus [TA]. [epi- + G. kondylos, a knuckle]- lateral e. of femur [TA] the epicondylus located proximal to the lateral condyle. SYN: epicondylus lateralis femoris [TA], epicondylus lateralis ossis femoris, lateral femoral tuberosity.- lateral e. of humerus [TA] the epicondylus situated at the lateral side of the distal end of the bone. SYN: epicondylus lateralis humeri [TA].- medial e. of femur [TA] the epicondylus located proximal to the medial condyle. SYN: epicondylus medialis ossis femoris, medial femoral tuberosity.- medial e. of humerus [TA] the epicondylus situated proximal and medial to the condyle. SYN: epicondylus medialis humeri [TA], epitrochlea.
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epi·con·dyle .ep-i-'kän-.dīlalso -dəl n any of several prominences on the distal part of a long bone serving for the attachment of muscles and ligaments:a) one on the outer aspect of the distal part of the humerus or proximal to the lateral condyle of the femur called also lateral epicondyleb) a larger and more prominent one on the inner aspect of the distal part of the humerus or proximal to the medial condyle of the femur called also medial epicondyle see EPITROCHLEAepi·con·dy·lar -də-lər adj* * *
n.the protuberance above a condyle at the end of an articulating bone.* * *
epi·con·dyle (ep″ĭ-konґdīl) [epi- + condyle] epicondylus. epicondylar, epicondylian, epicondylic adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.