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enchondromatous — en·chon·drom·a·tous … English syllables
enchondromatous — adjective see enchondroma … Useful english dictionary
enchondromatous myxoma — a myxoma containing cartilage in the intercellular substance … Medical dictionary
enchondroma — enchondromatous /en keuhn drom euh teuhs, droh meuh /, adj. /en keuhn droh meuh/, n., pl. enchondromas, enchondromata / meuh teuh/. Pathol. a growth of cartilage within the shaft or substance of a bone. [1840 50; < NL < Gk en EN 2 + chóndr(os)… … Universalium
enchondroma — A benign cartilaginous growth starting within the medullary cavity of a bone originally formed from cartilage; enchondromas may distend the cortex, especially of small bones, and may be solitary or multiple (endochondromatosis). [Mod. L. fr. G.… … Medical dictionary
enchondroma — /ɛnkənˈdroʊmə/ (say enkuhn drohmuh) noun (plural enchondromas or enchondromata /ɛnkənˈdroʊmətə/ (say enkuhn drohmuhtuh)) a tumour which consists essentially of cartilage. {en 2 + Greek chondros cartilage + oma} –enchondromatous /ɛnkənˈdrɒmətəs/… …
enchondroma — [en΄kän drō′mə] n. pl. enchondromata [en΄kän drō′mə tə] or enchondromas [ModL < Gr en, in + chondros, cartilage (see CHONDRO ) + OMA] a benign cartilaginous tumor enchondromatous [en΄kändräm′ə təs, en΄kändrō′mə təs] adj … English World dictionary