electrotherapeutics, electrotherapy
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electrotherapy — /i lek troh ther euh pee/, n. treatment of diseases by means of electricity; electrotherapeutics. [1880 85; ELECTRO + THERAPY] * * * … Universalium
electrotherapy — /əˌlɛktroʊˈθɛrəpi/ (say uh.lektroh theruhpee), /i / (say ee ) noun treatment of diseases by means of electricity; electrotherapeutics …
electrotherapeutics — electrotherapeutic, electrotherapeutical, adj. /i lek troh ther euh pyooh tiks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) therapeutics based on the curative effects of electricity. [1885 90; ELECTRO + THERAPEUTICS] * * * electrotherapeuˈtics singular noun (also … Useful english dictionary
ЭЛЕКТРОЛЕЧЕНИЕ — ЭЛЕКТРОЛЕЧЕНИЕ, применение электричества в качестве лечебного фактора. Благоприятное действие электричества было отмечено уаке в древности: купание в прудах, где водились Изобретение ста ^^■■i^^MI^Ba""*^ тической машины,… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия
electrotherapist — noun someone who specializes in the treatment of disease by electricity (Freq. 1) • Derivationally related forms: ↑electrotherapy • Hypernyms: ↑therapist, ↑healer * * * “+ noun : one that practices electrotherapy * * * … Useful english dictionary
REMAK — REMAK, German family of neurologists. ROBERT REMAK (1815–1865) was born in the province of Posen and was one of the first Jews to become lecturer (Dozent) at the University of Berlin, by special permission of Emperor Frederick William IV. In 1859 … Encyclopedia of Judaism
BENEDIKT, MORITZ — (1835–1920), Austrian neurologist, anthropometrist, and criminologist. Born in Eisenstadt, Hungary, Benedikt served as a surgeon in the Austrian army during the wars with Italy and Prussia in 1859 and 1866. Appointed a lecturer at the University… … Encyclopedia of Judaism