- ecchymosis
- A purplish patch caused by extravasation of blood into the skin, differing from petechiae only in size (larger than 3 mm diameter). [G. ekchymosis, e., fr. ek, out, + chymos, juice]- Tardieu ecchymoses subpleural and subpericardial petechiae or ecchymoses (or both), as observed in the tissues of persons who have been strangled, or otherwise asphyxiated. SYN: Tardieu petechiae, Tardieu spots.
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ec·chy·mo·sis .ek-ə-'mō-səs n, pl -mo·ses -.sēz the escape of blood into the tissues from ruptured blood vessels marked by a livid black-and-blue or purple spot or area also the discoloration so causedec·chy·mot·ic -'mät-ik adj* * *
n.a bruise: an initially bluish-black mark on the skin, resulting from the release of blood into the tissues either through injury or through the spontaneous leaking of blood from the vessels (as in some blood diseases).* * *
ec·chy·mo·sis (ek″ĭ-moґsis) pl. ecchymoґses [Gr. ekchymōsis] a small hemorrhagic spot, larger than a petechia, in the skin or mucous membrane forming a nonelevated, rounded or irregular, blue or purplish patch. ecchymotic adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.