
Facts, statistics, and the like. In medicine and the health sciences, Americans often speak of "the data" erroneously in the singular. "Data" is a plural noun and takes a plural verb, as in "the data are very convincing." It comes from the Latin "datum", meaning "a thing given."
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Multiple facts (usually but not necessarily empirical) used as a basis for inference, testing, models, etc. The word is plural and takes a plural verb.
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Diltiazem as Adjunctive Therapy to Activase [study]

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da·ta 'dāt-ə, 'dat-, 'dät- n pl but sing or pl in constr factual information (as measurements or statistics) used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation <the \data is plentiful and easily available (H. A. Gleason, Jr.)> <comprehensive \data on the incidence of Lyme disease>

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da·ta (daґtə) [L., plural of datum] the material or collection of facts on which a discussion or an inference is based.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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