
An infectious exudative dermatitis of cattle, sheep, goats, horses, and other animals (occasionally humans) caused by the bacterium Dermatophilus congolensis; severe (sometimes fatal) d. is seen in cattle in Africa and the Caribbean, invariably in association with Amblyomma variegatum tick infestations. SYN: proliferative dermatitis, streptothrichosis, streptotrichiasis, streptotrichosis.

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der·ma·to·phi·lo·sis (dur″mə-to-fĭ-loґsis) infection with Dermatophilus congolensis, seen in many different mammals. In humans it is characterized by nonpainful pustules on the hands and arms that later break down, forming shallow red ulcers that heal to leave scars. The sheep condition (also called lumpy wool, proliferative dermatitis, or strawberry foot rot) is characterized by exudative, red, scaling lesions that form pyramidal masses.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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