- Cortisol
- The primary stress hormone. Cortisol is the major natural GLUCOCORTICOID (GC) in humans.
* * *SYN: hydrocortisone.
* * *
cor·ti·sol 'kȯrt-ə-.sȯl, -.zȯl, -.sōl, -.zōl n a glucocorticoid C21H30O5 produced by the adrenal cortex upon stimulation by ACTH that mediates various metabolic processes (as gluconeogenesis), has anti-inflammatory and immunosupressive properties, and whose levels in the blood may become elevated in response to physical or psychological stress called also hydrocortisone* * *
n.a steroid hormone: the major glucocorticoid synthesized and released by the human adrenal cortex (see corticosteroid). It is important for normal carbohydrate metabolism and for the normal response to any stress. See also hydrocortisone.* * *
cor·ti·sol (korґtĭ-sol) the major natural glucocorticoid synthesized in the zona fasciculata of the adrenal cortex; it affects the metabolism of glucose, protein, and fats and has appreciable mineralocorticoid activity. It also regulates the immune system and affects many other functions. When used as a pharmaceutical, it is usually referred to as hydrocortisone. For therapeutic uses, see hydrocortisone.
Medical dictionary. 2011.