- cryoprecipitate
- Precipitate that forms when soluble material is cooled, especially with reference to the precipitate that forms in normal blood plasma which has been subjected to cold precipitation and which is rich in factor VIII.
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cryo·pre·cip·i·tate .krī-ō-prə-'sip-ət-ət, -'sip-ə-.tāt n a precipitate (as factor VIII) that is formed by cooling a solution (as blood plasma)cryo·pre·cip·i·ta·tion -.sip-ə-'tā-shən n* * *
n.a precipitate produced by freezing and thawing under controlled conditions. An example of a cryoprecipitate is the residue obtained from fresh frozen blood plasma that has been thawed at 4°C. This residue is extremely rich in a clotting factor, Factor VIII (antihaemophilic factor), and is used in the control of bleeding in haemophilia.* * *
cryo·pre·cip·i·tate (kri″o-pre-sipґĭ-tāt) [cryo- + precipitate] any precipitate that results from cooling; sometimes used specifically for the one rich in coagulation factor VIII obtained from cooling of blood plasma and used in the treatment of hemophilia A (cryoprecipitated antihemophilic factor).
Medical dictionary. 2011.