corticobulbar — adjective Of or pertaining to the cerebral cortex and the brainstem, especially with regard to the corticobulbar tract, a white matter pathway connecting the two … Wiktionary
Corticobulbar tract — Brain: Corticobulbar tract Components and location of the corticobulbar tract. Latin tractus corticonuclearis NeuroNames … Wikipedia
corticobulbar fibers — fibrae corticonucleares … Medical dictionary
corticobulbar tract — corticonuclear t … Medical dictionary
Facial motor nucleus — Brain: Facial motor nucleus Plan of the facial and intermediate nerves and their communication with other nerves. ( Nucleus of Facial N. labeled at upper left.) … Wikipedia
Central facial palsy — Central facial palsy, (also called colloquially central seven) is a symptom or finding characterized by paralysis or paresis of the lower half of one side of the face. It usually results from damage to upper motor neurons of the facial nerve.The… … Wikipedia
Corticospinal tract — Pyramidal tract redirects here. This page refers to the nerve fibres underlying the pyramids. For the actual area of the brain, Pyramids, see Pyramid of medulla oblongata. Brain: Corticospinal tract Deep dissection of brain stem. Lateral view. (… … Wikipedia
Medial lemniscus — Brain: Medial lemniscus The sensory tract. (Medial lemniscus labeled at center right.) Coronal … Wikipedia
Corticopontine fibers — Brain: Corticopontine fibers Coronal section through mid brain. 1. Corpora quadrigemina. 2. Cerebral aqueduct. 3. Central gray stratum. 4. Interpeduncular space. 5. Sulcus lateralis. 6. Substantia nigra. 7. Red nucleus of … Wikipedia
Cerebral peduncle — Brain: Cerebral peduncle Superficial dissection of brain stem. Ventral view. ( Cerebral peduncle visible in red at center right.) … Wikipedia