- corn
- asbestos c. a granulomatous or hyperkeratotic lesion of the skin at the site of deposit of asbestos particles. SYN: asbestos wart.- soft c. a c. formed by pressure between two toes, the surface being macerated and yellowish in color.
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corn 'kȯ(ə)rn n a local hardening and thickening of epidermis (as on a toe)* * *
n.an area of hard thickened skin on or between the toes: a type of callosity produced by ill-fitting shoes. The horny skin layers form an inverted pyramid that presses down into the deeper skin layers, causing pain. A corn may be treated by applying salicylic acid or by chiropody.* * *
(korn) [L. cornu horn] 1. a hardening and thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin of the toes, caused by friction and pressure from poorly fitting shoes or hose; it forms a conical mass pointing down into the dermis, producing pain and inflammation. There are two kinds, the hard c. and the soft c. Called also clavus and heloma. 2. Zea mays. 3. the seeds of certain cereal grains, especially Zea mays, used as both animal and human food. See also corn oil, under oil. 4. a bruise on the bottom of a horse's foot between the wall of the heel and the bar. 5. a circumscribed hyperkeratosis of the footpad of dogs, sensitive to pressure.
Medical dictionary. 2011.