- nutrient vessels
- vessels that supply nutritive elements to special tissues, such as arteries entering the substance of bone, or supplying walls of the blood vessels themselves. See also arteria nutricia.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Nutrient artery — Latin a. nutricia, a. nutriens Gray s subject #18 88 The medullary or nutrient artery, usually accompanied by one or two veins, sends branches upward and downward to the bone marrow, which ramify in the medullary membrane, and give twigs to the… … Wikipedia
Nutrient cycle — … Wikipedia
nutrient — /nooh tree euhnt, nyooh /, adj. 1. nourishing; providing nourishment or nutriment. 2. containing or conveying nutriment, as solutions or vessels of the body. n. 3. a nutrient substance. [1640 50; < L nutrient (s. of nutriens), prp. of nutrire to… … Universalium
nutrient — nu•tri•ent [[t]ˈnu tri ənt, ˈnyu [/t]] adj. 1) nut nourishing; providing nourishment or nutriment 2) nut containing or conveying nutriment, as solutions or vessels of the body 3) a nutrient substance • Etymology: 1640–50; < L nūtrient (s. of… … From formal English to slang
nutrient — /ˈnjutriənt / (say nyoohtreeuhnt) adjective 1. containing or conveying nutriment, as solutions or vessels of the body. 2. nourishing; affording nutriment. –noun 3. a nutrient substance. {Latin nūtriens, present participle, nourishing} …
arteria nutricia — [TA] nutrient artery: any artery that supplies the marrow of a long bone; called also a. nutriens [TA alternative] and medullary artery. See also nutrient vessels, under vessel … Medical dictionary
foramen nutricium — [TA] nutrient foramen any one of the passages that admit the nutrient vessels to the medullary cavity of a bone … Medical dictionary
Palatine process of maxilla — Infobox Bone Name = Palatine process of maxilla Latin = processus palatinus ossis maxillae, processus palatinus maxillae GraySubject = 38 GrayPage = 162 Caption = The bony palate and alveolar arch. (Palatine process labeled at bottom left.)… … Wikipedia
Omphalode — Om pha*lode, n. [Omphalo + Gr. e i^dos form.] (Bot.) The central part of the hilum of a seed, through which the nutrient vessels pass into the rhaphe or the chalaza; called also {omphalodium}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
omphalodium — Omphalode Om pha*lode, n. [Omphalo + Gr. e i^dos form.] (Bot.) The central part of the hilum of a seed, through which the nutrient vessels pass into the rhaphe or the chalaza; called also {omphalodium}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English