- venulae rectae renis
- [TA] straight venules of kidney: venules that drain the papillary part of the kidney and empty into the arcuate veins.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
venae arcuatae renis — [TA] arcuate veins of kidney: a series of complete arches across the bases of the renal pyramids; they are formed by union of the interlobular veins and the venulae rectae and drain into the interlobar veins … Medical dictionary
straight venules of kidney — venulae rectae renis … Medical dictionary
Приложение. Перечень анатомических терминов. Вены — Adumbilicales Advehens Afferens Alveolares superiores Alveolaris inferior Alveolaris mandibularis Anales Anastomotica inferior Anastomotica magna Anastomotica superior Angularis Anguli oris Anonyma Anonyma iliaca Apicalis ramus Apicalis… … Медицинская энциклопедия
venula — SYN: venule. [L. dim. of vena, vein] v. macularis inferior [TA] SYN: inferior macular venule. v. macularis superior [TA] SYN: superior macular venule. v. medialis retinae [TA] SYN: medial venule of … Medical dictionary
Vasa recta — Infobox Artery Name = PAGENAME Latin = arteriolae rectae renis GraySubject = 253 GrayPage = 1224 Caption = A nephron, the vasa recta is labelled arteria recta Caption2 = BranchFrom = Arcuate arteries of the kidney, efferent arteriole BranchTo =… … Wikipedia
Vasa recta — Esquema del túbulo renal y de su suministro vascular. (Los vasa recta se encuentran rodeando al asa de Henle, que se ve en el centro a la izquierda). En el suministro de sangre a los riñones, los vasa recta renis (o vasos rectos del riñón) forman … Wikipedia Español
Straight venules of kidney — Infobox Vein Name = PAGENAME Latin = venulae rectae renis GraySubject = 253 GrayPage = 1225 Caption = Caption2 = DrainsFrom = Source = vasa recta DrainsTo = arcuate veins Artery = MeshName = MeshNumber = DorlandsPre = v 06 DorlandsSuf = 12853642… … Wikipedia
Venula — Ve̱nula [Verkleinerungsbildung zu lat. vena = Blutader] w; , ...lae: kleinste, eben noch mit freiem Auge sichtbare Vene. Ve̱nula macula̱ris infe̱rior: kleine Vene, die an den unteren Rand des gelben Flecks in der Netzhaut des Auges zieht. Ve̱nula … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Vene — Ve̱ne [aus lat. vena, Gen.: venae = Blutader] w; , n, in fachspr. Fügungen: Ve̱na, Mehrz.: Ve̱nae: Blutader, Bezeichnung für diejenigen Blutgefäße, die (mit Ausnahme der vier Lungenvenen) im Gegensatz zu den Arterien sauerstoffarmes, verbrauchtes … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
ПОЧКИ — ПОЧКИ. Содержание: I. Анатомия П.................... 65$ II. Гистология П. . ................ 668 III. Сравнительная физиология 11......... 675 IV. Пат. анатомия II................ 680 V. Функциональная диагностика 11........ 6 89 VІ. Клиника П … Большая медицинская энциклопедия