
The method, in radiology, of restricting and confining the x-ray beam to a given area and, in nuclear medicine, of restricting the detection of emitted radiations from a given area of interest. [L. collineo, to direct in a straight line]

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col·li·ma·tion (kol″ĭ-maґshən) 1. in microscopy, the process of making light rays parallel; the process of aligning the optical axis of the optical system to the reference mechanical axes or surfaces of the instrument, or the adjustment of two or more optical axes with respect to each other. 2. in radiology, the elimination of the peripheral (more divergent) portion of an x-ray beam by means of metal tubes, cones, or diaphragms interposed in the path of the beam. 3. in nuclear medicine, the use of a perforated absorber to restrict the field of view of a detector and reduce scatter; the use of an absorber with converging or diverging perforations will also change the camera's angle of view.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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