- Coleoptera
- An order of insects, the beetles, characterized by the possession of a pair of hard, horny wing covers overlying a pair of delicate membranous flying wings; it is the largest of the insect orders with the largest number of species of any animal or plant order. [G. koleos, sheath + pteron, wing]
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co·le·op·te·ra .kō-lē-'äp-tə-rə n pl1) cap the largest order of insects comprising the beetles and weevils and being distinguished by a pair of forewings that are usu. hard and rigid, are never used for flight, and serve as a protective covering for the delicate flight wings and the upper surface of the abdomen2) insects that are beetlesco·le·op·te·ran -rən n or adjco·le·op·te·rist -rəst nco·le·op·te·rous -rəs adj* * *
Col·e·op·tera (kol″e-opґtər-ə) [coleo- + Gr. pteron wing] the beetles, an order of insects having strong mouth parts for chewing and a pair of hard exterior wings that protect the body, are not used for flight, and cover the membranous flight wings.
Medical dictionary. 2011.