- Tissierella
- Tis·si·er·el·la (tis″e-ə-relґə) a genus of gram-negative bacteria of the family Peptostreptococcaceae, anaerobic, non–spore-forming, motile rods with peritrichous flagella. The type species is T. praeacuґta.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Tissierella praeacuta — SYN: Bacteroides praeacutus. * * * a bile sensitive, nonpigmented, nonfermentative or weakly fermentative species isolated from the blood, from gangrenous lesions, and from the intestinal tract of infants and adults; formerly called Bacteroides… … Medical dictionary
Bacteroides praeacutus — Tissierella praeacutus … Medical dictionary
Peptostreptococcaceae — Taxobox color = lightgrey name = Peptostreptococcaceae regnum = Bacteria divisio = Firmicutes classis = Clostridia ordo = Clostridiales familia = Peptostreptococcaceae familia authority = Garrity et al. 2001 subdivision ranks = Genera subdivision … Wikipedia
Firmicutes — ? Firmicutes Oenococcus oeni, СЭМ (компьютерная окраска) Научная классификация Царство … Википедия
Систематика прокариот — Содержание 1 Систематика Архей 2 Систематика Эубактерий 3 См. также … Википедия
Bacteroides — A genus that includes many species of obligate anaerobic, nonsporeforming bacteria (family Bacteroidaceae) containing Gram negative rods. Both motile and nonmotile species occur; motile cells are per … Medical dictionary
Peptostreptococcaceae — Pep·to·strep·to·coc·ca·ceae (pep″to strep″to kok aґse e) a family of gram positive, coccoid bacteria of the order Clostridiales; organisms of medical interest are found in the genera Anaerococcus, Finegoldia, Peptoniphilus,… … Medical dictionary
Фирмикуты — Oenococcus oeni, СЭМ (компьютерная окраска) … Википедия