stratum fibrosum vaginae tendinis

stratum fibrosum vaginae tendinis
[TA] fibrous tendon sheath: the fibrous layer of a tendon sheath. Called also vagina fibrosa [TA alternative].

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • stratum — One of the layers of differentiated tissue, the aggregate of which forms any given structure, such as the retina or the skin. SEE ALSO: lamina, layer. [L. sterno, pp. stratus, to spread out, strew, ntr. of pp. as noun, s., a bed cover, layer] s.… …   Medical dictionary

  • vagina tendinis — vagina ten·di·nis ten də nəs n the synovial sheath of a tendon esp. of the hand or foot * * * [TA] tendon sheath: a sheath of tissue that covers a tendon; it has both fibrous and synovial layers (stratum fibrosum vaginae tendinis and stratum… …   Medical dictionary

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